University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

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March 21, 2016

Update: as of 6:00 p.m. on March 21st, everything is working again!

Today we have some unhappy news--our library catalog server is down, which means the catalog is not accessible to anyone on or off campus. Our user accounts are part of the library catalog system, which means it is currently not possible to log into library systems from off-campus. This means that anything that requires a login--including course reserves, databases, LEO Search, and Journals Search, is not accessible from off-campus.

We are working on fixing the problem, but until it is resolved, we have some suggestions for workarounds we hope will be useful.

If you are on campus, to search for items in the library catalog, go to LEO Search (in the top menu on any library page). Enter your search terms, and then, near the bottom of the page, click the checkbox labelled "In Library Physical Collection (plus some ebooks)." Then click search. This makes it so your results only show items from the catalog. Alternatively, you can just enter your search terms and click search, and then, from the results screen, you can click the "In Library Physical Collection (plus some ebooks)" checkbox, which appears in the left side column.

If you anticipate needing access to course reserves, databases, LEO Search, or Journals Search, we recommend you plan to use these during your time on-campus. Because they authenticate through IP address, you don't even have to be in the library to use them--your computer just has to be on the campus network. Download and print what you need, save it on a flash drive, save it in the cloud, or save it as an email attachment.

We are sorry for the inconvenience; we hope to have everything resolved soon!

March 14, 2016

We have started a 30-day trial of the Metropolitan Opera's video and audio database of opera productions. This includes 80+ HD videos, 70+ TV broadcasts, and 375+ radio broadcasts. All productions have English subtitles and synopses. These are excellent productions with major opera stars and wonderful sets and costumes. On the site, just scroll down to see a list of operas, and click on one to see the video and audio options available. Keep in mind that the opera titles are usually in their original languages (typically Italian, French, or German), and the alphabetical list ignores initial articles (equivalents of English "a," "an," and "the").

We have also included a link to the database at the top of our Databases page, which is accessible from the top menu of any library page.

The trial will run through April 10th. Please let us know what you think of the database; we want to make sure we subscribe to sources our university community will find useful!

March 10, 2016

ProQuest, one of our database providers, has just announced that it will be performing scheduled maintenance on its databases beginning Saturday evening, March 12th at 9:00 p.m. The maintenance window is 8-9 hours (depending on which ProQuest site you check), so, conservatively, they should be usable again by 6:00 a.m., though they might actually be up by 5:00 a.m. For us, the databases that will be down are ProQuest Science, Ethnic NewsWatch, and PsychINFO.

This is very similar to the previous ProQuest maintenance that happened a few weeks ago and a few weeks before. If you need articles from ProQuest Science, Ethnic NewsWatch, or PsychINFO over Spring Break, we recommend planning your study/research schedule so you will not need to use the databases from 9:00 p.m. Saturday to 6:00 a.m. Sunday. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

March 8, 2016

We have a few announcements that really don't go together, but here they are:

1. Spring Break Hours

Due to popular request, we will be open for special hours over Spring Break. The upper part of the library (book stacks, study spaces, etc.) will be open from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday (March 14th-17th). As always, the 24/7 lab in the basement will continue to be open 24/7!

2. Long Night at Nash

We are hosting a new event, Long Night at Nash, on April 11, 2016 from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. This should be a lot of fun and should be a good opportunity to get a lot of work done at once before finals. We're working in cooperation with the Student Success Center, the Writing Center, and the Math & Science Tutoring Center, who will have tutors there to help the entire time. The event was suggested by Jennifer Long (who thinks we named the event after her) after reading this article in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

It doesn't matter what kind of studying, writing, or creative work you're doing--every student is welcome (unless you plan to practice singing or playing an instrument. That would be better accomplished in Davis Hall). You can write your goals for the night on a community bulletin board when you arrive, and when you leave, you'll write down what you've accomplished.

The night will be full of studying and regular breaks with short games. Snacks will be available the entire night. We will hand out stress balls in the shape of a human brain, t-shirts that say “I like big brains and I cannot lie,” and door prizes. The longer you stay, the more chances you'll have to win. Nicole McMonagle will also bring her amazing dog, Beau, to provide comfort to students. Addison is trying to renegotiate her contract to include additional compensation (salmon-flavored treats) for the evening; her presence is tentative.

3. Music Pocket Library Progress

The glass walls are up for the Music Pocket Library! That was really fast, and they look great! Here's a preview showing off the group study/classroom space:

Nash Library's glass-walled classroom in music pocket library with table and chairs

We will be getting a tv for the wall of this room. Some of the walls are erasable, and we'll equip the room with markers so you can brainstorm, draw music staves, work computational problems, or draw/write anything else!

March 7, 2016

We are making progress on the music pocket library and museum! Last week, the glass walls that will separate the music pocket library and museum from the main lobby arrived. They are currently being installed. The glass walls will help the new spaces feel open and welcoming. We also received the bookshelves and carts for our vinyl records for the music pocket library. It's a little messy in that part of the library right now, but we are happy to have so much activity happening! The walls have to go up first, and then we will move the books into the new space.

messy library with construction equipment

We also have a new display in the library of our vintage paperback books from Special Collections & Archives. These are primarily Penguin Books and Pelican Books, which were major imprints in the mid-20th century. Penguin Books were first published in 1935, and due to their attractive covers, affordability, and high-quality fiction stories, they soon became very popular among readers. The first Penguin books, published in Great Britain, cost only sixpence, and they could be purchased at high street department stores (sort of like downtown department stores in the U.S.). Pelican Books was Penguin's nonfiction counterpart. We see many classic titles in our collection: The Great Gatsby, Showboat, Porgy, Walden...Penguin's founder, Sir Allen Lane, wanted to make great literature easily affordable in paperback form, and he most certainly succeeded.

paperback books in display case
March 2, 2016

USAO IT in Austin Hall will be performing a hardware upgrade on university servers on Thursday, March 3 from 5:15-6:00 p.m. Per the email IT sent to all faculty, staff, and students, access to Nash Library's webpages will be unavailable during that time, along with access to many other USAO web services. It is possible the work may be done before 6. However, if you have work to do requiring use of the Nash Library website, we advise you to plan around the 45-minute window. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

February 11, 2016

ProQuest, one of our database providers, has just announced that it will be performing scheduled maintenance on its databases beginning Saturday morning, February 13th at 9:00 a.m. The maintenance window is 6 hours, so they should be usable again by 3:00 p.m. For us, the databases that will be down are ProQuest Science, Ethnic NewsWatch, and PsychINFO.

This is very similar to some maintenance that happened a few weeks ago. If you need articles from ProQuest Science, Ethnic NewsWatch, or PsychINFO over the weekend, we recommend planning your study/research schedule so you will not need them from 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. on Saturday. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

February 4, 2016

Some of the furniture for the music pocket library was delivered today! The furniture is coming from multiple sources, so the room is not complete yet, but we should be getting the bookshelves and new LP carts by the end of February and the walls by the end of March.

This table and chairs will be in the group study room (which will be built with walls that have yet to be delivered).

table with six rolling chairs

We ordered several model chairs, and these were the ones the students liked best. These chairs' arms are built to hold your books or laptop.

four big chairs

These desks will eventually have computers. They are going to be workstations with music composition software and playback equipment.

row of desks with rolling chairs
February 1, 2016

We have completed our move of the children's books, curriculum materials, and poster-making supplies and equipment! They are now in Nash 301, which was informally known as the "reading room." We left several study tables with chairs in the room, so it will still be good for studying. The current periodicals (magazines) are against the east wall on the wooden shelves, while the children's books and curricula are on the square gray shelves.

bookshelves with children's books and curriculum in Nash Library Room 301

We even moved the cabinets from the Education Room. We think they look strikingly good in the new space.

cabinets and shelves holding diecuts

The room formerly known as the Education Room is going to become the Student Success Center. The plans for the center include building a wall to divide the room, so the Math & Science Tutoring Center has temporarily relocated to the basement while the renovations are underway. The Reading Center has temporarily relocated across the hall to Nash 301.

January 28, 2016

After some time away, our digital versions of the Argus, OCW/OCLA/USAO's yearbook, and The Trend, its student newspaper, are available online again. They can be found by clicking on the Special Collections Tab and then clicking Argus & The Trend Digitizations. The Trend is fully digitized from 1919 to 2003. We currently only have 13 years of the Argus digitized, including 1917, 1921, 1955, and 1963-1972. We are looking for sponsors to help us digitize the rest; it costs $250 to digitize one yearbook.