As Long Night at Nash approaches (remember, it's Thursday, November 17th, from 6 a.m. to midnight), we thought we'd show you some of the free swag! Here's one of the boxes of water bottles:

Here's an action shot:

This could be you, studying in a second floor study carrel with a Nash Library water bottle emblazoned with the image of our faithful mascot, Addison Nash the library cat.
For those who are new at USAO (or missed out on the fun last year), Long Night at Nash is a night of studying, games, activities, and prizes! You can stay for as long or short a time as you would like. We gave away shirts last year, so we have Nash Library water bottles this year! When you arrive, you write down your goals for the night on a sheet of paper. When you leave, you write down what you've accomplished!
Here's how to get your free water bottle: During Long Night at Nash, everyone in the library will get a ticket on the hour. Once you have 4 tickets, you can pick up your water bottle. We're not just going to hand the water bottles out to anyone who walks in the door; you have to stay and study to get one! We'll have other prizes too; some will be awarded to the game winners, and some we'll award by drawing tickets by chance.