University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

New titles added to Films on Demand: Business and Economics Collection

Eleven titles have been added to Films on Demand: Business and Economics Collection. The new additions are:

APOPO Vapor Detection Technology: Tanzania and MozambiqueA land mine is an indiscriminate killer-it doesn't care how young or old its victims are, or how many years have passed since the end of the conflict for which it was intended. Likewise, land mines ha ... (more details)

CAMFED: ZambiaFor millions of girls across Africa, a decent education is beyond reach. CAMFED, an international nongovernmental, nonprofit organization founded in 1993, aims to change that by paying for books, fees ... (more details)

Friends International: CambodiaThe UN estimates that there are more than 150 million homeless children worldwide. Most are at risk of abuse, prostitution, and drug addiction, and frequently enter adulthood without any schooling or ... (more details)

International Development Enterprises: India In India, farmers struggle to grow their crops during the long dry months. International Development Enterprises India, led by Amitabha Sadangi, has developed simple drip irrigation systems which hydr ... (more details)

Marine Stewardship Council: JapanThe oceans are being emptied. This isn’t just bad news for the 200 million people who make a living fishing, it’s a crisis for planet Earth. The Marine Stewardship Council uses market forces to create ... (more details)

Partners In Health: MalawiA half-century of helping disadvantaged communities, beginning when he was a first-year Harvard medical student, has reinforced Dr. Paul Farmer's belief that access to health care is a basic human rig ... (more details)

Riders for Health: ZambiaLack of transport is one of the greatest barriers to delivering health care in remote parts of Africa, causing NGOs and local governments to abandon projects prematurely. Former motorbike racer Andrea ... (more details)

Kiva: U.S.A.Despite its success in alleviating poverty, particularly among women, microfinance has reached only eight percent of the world's poor. San Francisco-based Matt Flannery and Premal Shah have devised th ... (more details)

Food SuperhighwayEach year 40,000 tons of bacon is exported from Denmark to Japan. Four hundred thousand tons of Canadian peas are sent to India. And millions of tons of potatoes are grown in the Egyptian desert from ... (more details)

Bad Blood: A Cautionary TaleIn the 1960s, new treatments known as clotting factor concentrates were expected to transform hemophilia into a manageable condition. But these pooled-plasma drugs also carried a hidden risk of viral ... (more details)

Neuromarketing: Consumers Under the InfluenceQuestionnaires and focus groups have long formed the bedrock of marketing studies, but a new, high-tech approach may soon make them obsolete. This program looks at the revolutionary science of neuroma ... (more details)