University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma



Many of you may already be familiar with OttoBib but we’ll pass along the info anyway. What is OttoBib? It’s a quick way to generate an APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or BibTex citation for books (not articles) that you need to include in a bibliography. All you have to do is type in the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), wait for the citation to appear, PROOF IT, and then cut and paste it into your bibliography.

Don’t know what an ISBN is? No problem. It’s the 10-digit (or 13-digit for books published after January 2007) number found on top of the barcode on the back of the book. You won’t find it on any book published before 1966 and you may not find it on some books between 1966 and 1974. If the dust jacket is missing from the book, you can usually locate the ISBN on a page preceding the table of contents.