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Family Photographs


Dr. Anna Lewis,
Choctaw Historian

Historical Documents

Historical Photographs


This site made possible with generous funding from the Oklahoma Humanities Council.

  Letter from Henry E. Alvord to Lawrie Tatum, Page 4 of 7 


Click here to view larger image of letter written from Henry Alvord to Lawrie Tatum.


to Horseback, Chief of the Noconees

from me - with my thanks for his

assistance last Summer and

my regret: at  his being unable to

accompany our party.



The two horses are mine - bought

for this occasion and to be sold for

me. Please take care of them till

Dr. J. J. Sturm calls for them and

then turn them over to him.




I have bought all the provisions

I could well get here and given

Mr. Jones funds to buy Beef.


They go off in a very unsatisfactory

and uncomfortable way - but I hope

will get thro' all right.


This failure about the wagons -

wholly attributable to the War Dept.

was unfortunate and will cost the

Indians over a thousand dollars.



This sum would have bought them

a hundred yearling heifers for stock.


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Last updated 07/05/2016